2024 Results |
St Joseph’s |
National |
Reception: Good Level of Development |
72% |
67% |
Year 1 Phonics |
79% |
KS2 Expected + (Provisional National – July 24) |
Reading: 92% Writing: 88% Maths: 92% |
Reading: 74% Writing: 72% Maths: 73%
KS2 Greater Depth (Provisional National – July 24) |
Reading: 73% Maths: 65% Writing: 31% |
Reading: 36% Maths: 24% Writing: 13%
St Joseph's Year 6 | National Average | |
Combined Reading/Writing/Maths | 24/28 pupils - 86% | 59% |
St Joseph’s Year 6 ‘Expected Standard’+ 2023 |
National Average 2023 |
St Joseph’s Year 6 ‘Greater Depth’ 2023 |
National Average 2023 | |
Reading | 27/28 pupils - 96% | 73% | 13/28 pupils - 46% | TBC |
Writing | 25/28 pupils - 89% | 71% | 7/28 pupils - 25% | TBC |
Spelling, punctuation and grammar | 26/28 pupils - 93% | 72% | 15/28 pupils - 54% | TBC |
Maths | 26/28 pupils - 93% | 73% | 14/28 pupils - 50% | TBC |
Key Stage 1
Reading | St Joseph's |
Expected Standard | 85% |
Greater Depth | 19% |
Writing | St Joseph's |
Expected Standard | 81% |
Greater Depth | 12% |
Maths | St Joseph's |
Expected Standard | 88% |
Greater Depth | 15% |